Confused about Computers?

Perplexed about Software Programs?

Baffled by email and the Internet?

The Computer Club of Oklahoma City  (ccOKC) has the help and support you are looking for!

computer club members

computer club audience

About Us

We love computers!! Our interests, classes and study groups range from computers, mobile devices, MS software, iPhones/iPads, stock investing, social media, genealogy. [..more..]

study group at OKC computer club

Study Groups

Join our ongoing study groups. You’ll find diverse subjects that are guaranteed to educate and inform. Click HERE  for subjects, dates and times.

Contact Us & Location

Contact phone, address and email, and find our location on Google maps. Click HERE to map your route.


Upcoming Events Calendar

Click HERE to view all events, Study Groups and Classes on our ccOKC calendar. This Google calendar will allow you to add events to your own calendar.

Meeting Cancellations
During the winter months if the Oklahoma City Public Schools close due to weather, the Computer Club of Oklahoma City and the CCOKC Learning Center, Club Meetings and Study Groups will also be closed. At other times, all other cancellations for the Learning Center meetings, Club Meetings or Study Group meetings will be determined with as much advance notice as possible. If there is enough lead time to announce a cancellation, members may be notified by e-mail.

join us

Membership in ccOKC

JOIN NOW to access all the benefits ccOKC offers! Enjoy the company of other computer enthusiasts and make new friends.



Help support our mission with a donation! You can help with a donation of your choice, use any credit card on PayPal. Click HERE. Thank you.


General Meeting

4th Thursday of the month, at 10:00 am
Visitors are always welcome and there is never a charge to attend this meeting. [..more..]



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